Learn to Save the World

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead


Let’s engage students in meaningful projects locally and around the world to save humanity and the world. Many young people are passionate in their concern about the environment and the plight of other people. Let’s harness their passion and boundless energy to make significant contributions to worthy endeavors around the world, and in the process teach students valuable skills and world knowledge.


Foundations, philanthropists, NGOs, corporations, religious organizations... There are thousands —tens of thousands— of people and organizations looking for meaningful projects to support. Let's build a network that will connect these catalysts for positive change with the organizations and projects already working to make a difference, and let's gets schools and students in on it too! Together, we can all learn to save the world.

January 20, 2009:  How appropriate, I think, that this project, “Learn to Save the World,” is being launched today, Inauguration Day of the Barack Obama presidency! In many ways, his presidency heralds a new era for the United States —perhaps for the world— and a new beginning for hope and renewal and rebuilding. And it is with the conviction that we must all join together now to restore nature and rebuild society that I am launching this endeavor.

I will speak more to these issues soon, but perhaps for now read the words of our 44th president, in his inaugural address delievered today.